You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2011.

It was one of the coolest live songs I’ve ever seen – nine guys playing a total wall of sound.

“Creature Fear”

If you don’t know of them yet, get on it.  However,  if you decide to go to a concert, you’ll need to find some ill-fitting 70s thrift store clothing, and grow your beard out (and get some Buddy Holly glasses) before you go – otherwise you’ll never be hipster enough to appreciate teh cool. I persevered, but it was rough: Hipsters can give a mean stinkeye if they think you might be encroaching on their elitist stronghold, but the truth is if you only cheer for the song when the words begin, and not during the first three bars of music, you’re a poseur.

And knowing that is why I’m cooler than you.


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