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Mostly. Jack four years ago and Lo four years ago.

Of course, some things don’t change. Jack still won’t leave his sister alone, and Lo won’t stop changing her clothes.

But the heads are still able to tuck under my chin when I hug them, and the feet are still cute enough to photograph.



And I’m grateful the memories are captured.

Hiya kiddo. Eight years ago right now I was walking into the hospital after 13 hours of labor, cussing through contractions and demanding Miss Megan not speak about the candy in the vending machine. In two hours and forty-eight minutes more you were born, all purple and quiet in a room full of people praying you’d make a sound.

If I’d only known how loud you’d be after that first squawk.

I love you Jack. You changed my life irrevocably for the better.

Because half the fun of the little dingleberry is finding things like closet lilypads.

And someday I will have forgotten she ever did this.

Hiya my sweet Lo-Lo,

You were born 1825 days ago – more or less some leap year math.

I never knew before you that I could spend every waking moment with someone.

And never need a break.

But, you baby girl, stole my heart immediately.

And I have happily followed you around since then.

Because who wouldn’t? You are one of the most amazing individuals I’ve ever met.

You are so wickedly clever.

And so joyful in life.

You inspire me. Quite honestly.

So happy birthday, my sweet, beautiful monkey girl.

I love you more than I could ever fully explain.



Your Mama

There are not many things cuter than this on earth, so don’t bother arguing..

Holy batman this child is my heart.

Sir Lando Calrissian Lamsey, a red heeler/golden retriever (we think).  The pic is blurry because he won’t stay still long enough to get a good shot of him – I never once saw him actually sleep, he just goes and goes and goes.

And goes. On the floor. Onward ho with the training, woot. 🙂

It’s interesting to read up on the cattle dog breed and see that as per description, he is actually my shadow, following me everywhere, sleeping under my chair, sitting leaning against me. But he is so stinkin’ cuddly and sweet and HOLY BATMAN I love me some puppy smell; it makes Jen a happy girl.

Come visit us and say hi!

(Blitzen Trapper – Furr)

So hi. I really don’t have anything clever to say. But yesterday was my birthday, and I feel compelled to at least attempt to note major milestones. Unfortunately there’s nothing really that interesting or funny to say about it (except for Jack’s declaration of happy firdy free, old lady Mom. And Lorelei’s singing Old McDonald had a farm. Jingle all the way! But that was all of, what, two sentences?).  I was made yummo french toast and strawberries with homemade whipped cream, Jack started second grade, the weather was absolutely perfect, we went to Powell Gardens, and overall it was just a wonderful day.

The best birthday I’ve had in years, actually.

It’s been a pretty damn good summer overall, really.


I will teach you to WALK because I am that awesome. Be jealous.

And these are untouched! Go check her out at for the even gooder goods.

My friend Cassy took pics of the kids last weekend. Could they get any cuter?

Nope. They couldn’t. Happy Wednesday, everyone.

Coach: “Jack go stand on the field by the ref.”

Jack: “OK, what’s a ref?”

He is not good at all, people. Like, at all.

But I truly can’t explain how proud I am that that has nothing to do with autism, and everything to do with his being related to me.


Last night when I was reading books at bedtime, I noticed she was humming a mashup of the Darth Vader theme and the traditional Wedding March. Then when I was kissing her goodnight she whispered to me that I looked as pretty as Queen Amidala.

Those monkeys fill up every extra space in my world with love.


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